Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mommy Moment: 5 Essential Products For Your Baby's 1st 12 Months

Hi All! It's time for a Mommy Moment! I get so many questions asking what products are absolutely essential for having a baby. It seems as if there is a pattern. For the 1st baby, every mom seems to go completely overboard, buying everything in the baby isle. This is exactly what I did for my first. I just knew I had to have everything, after all these were "essential" items, right? The pure joy and excitement that you feel when having your first child is an indescribable feeling that seems to make you lose your mind (and money). Even the most thrifty person splurges on their first child. The second child is a bit different. Not that you love them any less, but this time, you know better. Half of the little gadgets that I thought would make my life easier, just ended up making things harder.

I thought this post would be helpful to new parents to narrow down some of the items that I felt were must-haves with my girls. For those of you that don't know, I have 2 girls, 13 months apart. The oldest was born January 16, 2014 and the youngest February 16, 2015. My house is a ZOO! Hopefully this product list can make your life a bit less hectic than mine. Let's get started :)

1. Diaper Pail

The diaper pail is probably one of the greatest inventions ever. Anyone who has a child knows that poop stinks! You cannot just throw a poopy diaper in the trash and expect to go about your day. It must be taken outside to the trash can immediately, or it will make your house smell. The diaper pail negates that notion. You can insert your dirty diapers in the pail and take the bag (they are sold with special bags that line the pail)  to the trash when full. With one child, I emptied the pail 1x/every 4 days. No need to run outside every time there is an explosion! There are several versions, are fairly inexpensive, and can be found and a variety of stores.

2. Stroller with PLENTY of storage

A good stroller is a MUST if you plan to go anywhere. I need a double right now so I included that for the parents with two small children. I got you! I own both of the strollers in the picture below. They are amazing for their maneuverability and their storage. I especially love the single because of the gorgeous wheels. There are cup holders for children and adults and also little cubbies for more added storage. On top of that, there is the big storage compartment at the bottom. The strollers pictured below are from the brand Baby Trend and can be found at Walmart.

3. Saline Drops

Your little one is destined to catch at least 1 cold. Unfortunately for infants, they are only allowed Saline drops for the sniffles. I keep these handy. They are a life saver. There is nothing worse than watching your little one suffer and struggle to breathe when you can't do anything about it. Saline drops break the mucus up and they are very easy to give to a sick baby.

4.  Baby Gates

This pick is a given! Babies start moving faster and faster these days. We started using baby gates at about 5 months. This is also an item that you will use for years in the future. A gate is a lifesaver when I need to cook or wash dishes. I leave the kids in the living room (it's baby proofed) with the gates up. They have their toys and the television and I check on them every few minutes. They can't come in the kitchen where they could get hurt and I know that they are safe.

5. Bottle Cleaner

A bottle cleaner is such a simple item but it's necessary!!! As a parent, you will find your self ALWAYS cleaning bottles. Even after your child graduates to sippy cups, you will still need a bottle cleaner. I don't like to use a dishwasher for bottles and find that this tool is quick and easy. Most even come with a smaller tool to clean the nipple. This is another product that is available at most stores and very inexpensive.

I hope you all enjoyed this Mommy Moment. If you have any essential products to add to the list, please let us know down below. And don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss a post.
If you would like to see a list of products that I bought and never used, please comment and let me know!

Bye Guys!!!

And We're Back...Again!

It feels weird writing this. Blogging fell by the wayside before I even really began. I love to write because I'm always on the go and I can just jot down my thoughts, or even write an entire blog post on my phone while out and about. Life has been so hectic over the last year that I've barely had time for myself. YouTube is my first (social media) love and I even took a break from that for awhile.
There were periods of time where I felt very uninspired. Sometimes you just get burned out with all that life throws at you.

Fast forward to the present and I feel revitalized. I gave my blog a new look just as I hope to do with all of my social media platforms. I would like them all to be an accurate reflection of me. Simple and classic. That's how I picture myself, at least. If you disagree, keep your comments to yourself. Let me be great lol.

Anyway, I definitely would like to become a consistent blogger and have this be a space that we can all come together and just be ourselves. Beauty and makeup are still my number 1 topics but I also want to open this blog up to hair and family posts and fashion as well. My life has so many different, random angles to it and I feel as though I only share one with you. Therefore, I am opening myself up here and I hope you all will enjoy me, as I will you. Please check out my first blog post (I'm a born again blogger virgin) and subscribe to this blog so you don't miss the updates. Please don't forget to follow my other social media platforms as well! Thank you for joining me on the journey!

YouTube: YvetteLuvsBeauty
Instagram: YvetteLuvsBeauty
Twitter:     ccyvette
Snapchat:  YvetteB1
Bloglovin': YvetteLuvsBeauty
MyFitnessPal: YvetteLuvsBeauty

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Happier and Healthier Me - Post Having Irish Twins

Hey guys! A lot has happened since I've last posted. I'm a mommy...again! I have now pushed out 2 beautiful little girls and they hold my heart. My babies are happy and healthy. That being said, I would like to get back to being happy and healthy myself. Happy with my body, that is. As I write this blog post, I feel like I'm complaining about nothing. I've never been grossly overweight, even while pregnant. But I do have plenty of areas that I would like/need to work on. This is hard for me because I am at my heaviest weight. I'm 5'3 and I weigh 161 lbs. My baby is 11 weeks old. I gained 14 lbs while carrying her. Many people have told me that I still look good and that I'm not as big as I think I am, but we all know that everyone in the world could say that but if you don't feel good about yourself, it means nothing. I'm not telling you my weight to brag or anything like that. I want to hold myself accountable for my lifestyle. Starting today, I am beginning a lifestyle change.

For those of you that don't know my story, I was pregnant in 2013 and had my 1st daughter in January of 2014. Then on June 16 of that same year, I found out that I was pregnant again with my 11 week old. I had her in February of 2015. I am now in recovery mode.

I have several goals that I would like to accomplish:

1. Get to my goal weight of 135 lbs.
2. Be active at least 3x/week
3. Gain more energy
4. Feel better in my clothes

I plan to do this by:

1. Working out 4x/week
2. Tracking all meals
3. Holding myself accountable through my social media platforms
4. Getting more sleep, on average at least 7 hours/night

I will make sure to keep you all posted on my progress with my weight loss journey. I am vowing to be a happier, healthier me. If you have any tips, healthy recipes, or anything to help me along the way, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Don't  forget to add me on My Fitness Pal Watch for videos on my YouTube channel. I will be talking about my weight loss journey there, as well as on my Instagram. All of the links will be below. Be blessed!

Youtube: YvetteB2012
Instagram: YvetteB_2015
My Fitness Pal: YvetteB2012

Thursday, December 25, 2014

L'Oreal Infalliable Pro Setting Spray Review

Hey y'all! It's been awhile but I'm back. I've picked up a few new items so I have some reviews to do. This setting spray has been all the rage on social media so I had to try it. L'Oreal has revolutionized the "drugstore makeup game" with this setting spray. The only setting sprays that I know of in the drugstore would be the NYX Matte and Dewy sprays (I like this one) and the Elf Mist and Set (I'm not a huge fan), and even those aren't available everywhere. Check out the video below with my review. If you have tried this product, comment below and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Foundation Collection!

Hi everyone!

Recently, I completed a series on my YouTube channel where I went through all of my makeup and threw/gave away anything that was old and expired, or that I didn't want anymore. This prompted questions because I only showed the products that I wanted to get rid of, not my entire collection. I got the request to view my entire collection several times. So here you have it. Instead of doing a makeup collection like I did last year, where I went over everything, I decided to do something a bit different. I am going to go over each section of my collection piece by piece. This is the first installment: My Liquid Foundation Collection. I hope you all enjoy. I have 20 in all (way too many)! This includes BB Creams as well. It's waaaaaay too many for any normal, sane person. However, anyone who enjoys makeup and beauty products as much as I do, is not normal and sane. I also gave mini reviews along with showing the collection. I hope you all enjoy watching as much as I enjoy using!!!

Let me know what you all think the next installment should be!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

LA Girl Glazed Lip Paint Review and Swatches...My First Post!

Hi out there in Blogger Land!!! I'm very excited to bring you my first ever blog post! I can't believe that I am doing this. I never saw myself as the blogging type, but I find that I have a lot more time to write than film and edit YouTube videos, so here I am! Instead of starting with a lengthy blog introduction, I thought I would jump right in and start posting about my passion...make-up! So here you have it...

LA Girl Glazed Lip Paints...What can I say about these except for AMAZING!!! They are one of the best affordable lip products out right now, quickly taking the place of the Too Faced Melted Liquid Lipsticks for me. The texture is a bit different from the Too Faced but overall, they do the same job (don't kill me, just my opinion). I can compare them to the OCC Lip Tars as well. They are a closer dupe to these in my opinion. The LA Girl Glazed Lip Paints are almost the same texture as the lip tars and they work well when mixing together. There is a wide variety of colors available (18 in all), not as much as OCC but maybe LA Girl will get creative and give us more!  The product has a wear time of about 4-5 hours and it dries down to a semi-matte finish.

I do have 2 cons about the lip paints:

1. They are very messy (another similarity to the lip tars).
To make these easier to apply, I recommend using a lip brush. You will get the most precise and clean application this way.

2. I would love more brown-nudes and colors that compliment darker skin tones. This con is an easy fix, however. Lip liners work wonders!!!! They will be able to help transform the colors into something that will work for all skin tones. Also, again, the colors can be mixed to make your perfect shade. So play around and have fun!

Check out my YouTube video below. I own 9 of the shades and have tried them all on so you can see how they wear on my lips. Leave a comment down below if you have tried the LA Girl Glazed Lip Paints and let us know your thoughts!