Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mommy Moment: 5 Essential Products For Your Baby's 1st 12 Months

Hi All! It's time for a Mommy Moment! I get so many questions asking what products are absolutely essential for having a baby. It seems as if there is a pattern. For the 1st baby, every mom seems to go completely overboard, buying everything in the baby isle. This is exactly what I did for my first. I just knew I had to have everything, after all these were "essential" items, right? The pure joy and excitement that you feel when having your first child is an indescribable feeling that seems to make you lose your mind (and money). Even the most thrifty person splurges on their first child. The second child is a bit different. Not that you love them any less, but this time, you know better. Half of the little gadgets that I thought would make my life easier, just ended up making things harder.

I thought this post would be helpful to new parents to narrow down some of the items that I felt were must-haves with my girls. For those of you that don't know, I have 2 girls, 13 months apart. The oldest was born January 16, 2014 and the youngest February 16, 2015. My house is a ZOO! Hopefully this product list can make your life a bit less hectic than mine. Let's get started :)

1. Diaper Pail

The diaper pail is probably one of the greatest inventions ever. Anyone who has a child knows that poop stinks! You cannot just throw a poopy diaper in the trash and expect to go about your day. It must be taken outside to the trash can immediately, or it will make your house smell. The diaper pail negates that notion. You can insert your dirty diapers in the pail and take the bag (they are sold with special bags that line the pail)  to the trash when full. With one child, I emptied the pail 1x/every 4 days. No need to run outside every time there is an explosion! There are several versions, are fairly inexpensive, and can be found and a variety of stores.

2. Stroller with PLENTY of storage

A good stroller is a MUST if you plan to go anywhere. I need a double right now so I included that for the parents with two small children. I got you! I own both of the strollers in the picture below. They are amazing for their maneuverability and their storage. I especially love the single because of the gorgeous wheels. There are cup holders for children and adults and also little cubbies for more added storage. On top of that, there is the big storage compartment at the bottom. The strollers pictured below are from the brand Baby Trend and can be found at Walmart.

3. Saline Drops

Your little one is destined to catch at least 1 cold. Unfortunately for infants, they are only allowed Saline drops for the sniffles. I keep these handy. They are a life saver. There is nothing worse than watching your little one suffer and struggle to breathe when you can't do anything about it. Saline drops break the mucus up and they are very easy to give to a sick baby.

4.  Baby Gates

This pick is a given! Babies start moving faster and faster these days. We started using baby gates at about 5 months. This is also an item that you will use for years in the future. A gate is a lifesaver when I need to cook or wash dishes. I leave the kids in the living room (it's baby proofed) with the gates up. They have their toys and the television and I check on them every few minutes. They can't come in the kitchen where they could get hurt and I know that they are safe.

5. Bottle Cleaner

A bottle cleaner is such a simple item but it's necessary!!! As a parent, you will find your self ALWAYS cleaning bottles. Even after your child graduates to sippy cups, you will still need a bottle cleaner. I don't like to use a dishwasher for bottles and find that this tool is quick and easy. Most even come with a smaller tool to clean the nipple. This is another product that is available at most stores and very inexpensive.

I hope you all enjoyed this Mommy Moment. If you have any essential products to add to the list, please let us know down below. And don't forget to subscribe to my blog so you never miss a post.
If you would like to see a list of products that I bought and never used, please comment and let me know!

Bye Guys!!!

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